[Sussex] Roar!

Neil Ford neil at smudgypixels.net
Tue Nov 26 16:09:01 UTC 2002

On 26/11/02 10:58 am, "Angelo Servini" <Angelo.Servini at claybrook.co.uk>

> The next day a new Lion from Africa was arriving.  The Lion asked his mates
> "Hi fellas, whats the grub like?".  The other Lions exclaimed "Brilliant!
> Yesterday we had 'Fish', 'Chimps' and 'Mushy Bees'!".
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear....

(who's just picked himself up off of the floor :-) )

PS: Geoff, show Angelo how to insert a proper sig separator so we don't have
to manually delete the disclaimer.

Neil Ford

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