[Sussex] LINUX Magazines (was : Good LINUX programming tutorial)

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Nov 27 08:25:00 UTC 2002

WHSmiths vary in their stocks of LINUX format.  Most larger branches carry
it.  A lot of smaller ones don't.  You can add Crawley to the list of
branches that do.  East Grinstead did last time I looked, but I know my
friend Paul has had trouble getting it there.

I found the most reliable way to get it is to subscribe (if you can't afford
it in one hit you could try getting your newsagent to order it in).  I
subscribed purely for the DVD (prior to getting broadband) as I didn't used
to like the magazine very much.  Recently though the content has improved

I'd still say that if you only have funds for one magazine subscription tha
I'd go for LINUX Journal instead - it's a lot more indepth than LINUX
Format.  Yes I know it's a US publication and it doesn't carry a cover disk,
but there really is no better LINUX publication out there.  It follows the
model of Doctor Dobbs Journal - combining regular editorial content with
submissions from anyone capable of writing something interesting (it could
be you or I, but more commonly it's the likes of Ted Tso, Larry Wall and
John "Maddog" Hall).

Now here's a thought.  As I don't tend to keep my copies of LINUX format
(although I do keep the DVDs and I hoard LINUX Journals and DDJ's), I could
always bring them along to the LUG meet and anyone who's interested is
welcome to take them.  Would anyone be interested in that?

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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