[Sussex] Here we go...

The ol' tealeg geoff at tealeg.uklinux.net
Sat Nov 30 16:36:00 UTC 2002

Matt wrote:
> All,
> I've decided to take the plunge and go for Gentoo, it looks ace and it seems
> to get good reviews from you guys!
> Expect a fair few emails as I emerge myself into this one (all puns
> intended!)
> I've managed to find a net connection at a mates house, so hopefully I'll be
> up and running by tomorrow!

I hope you're pepared for a long slog.  You can learn a lot with Gentoo, but it certainly doesn't have a 20 minute install like SuSE..

If you have any problems just shout.

geoff at tealeg.uklinux.net
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