[Sussex] Linux on the small screen

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Fri Apr 4 11:08:01 UTC 2003


On 04 April 2003 at 10:41 Geoff Teale wrote:
> George wrote:
> -------------
> > We have a video projector at the GHW / 3aIT offices,
> > which I am sure we can use
> Excellent.

> Does this mean we want to move the meet back to the GHW 
> offices for this month, or shall we do the screening as
> a seperate thing?

I think this would be a bad idea.

1). Because the King's Head is better equipted to deal with
a crowd (loos, bar, etc).  If we were meeting in the GHW/3aIT
office regually I would suggest moving to a more public venue
for the screening.

2). From memory I doubt that the little meeting room in the
GHW/3aIT office has the space for the last LUGmoot.  How would
it cope with extras?


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