[Sussex] Lurking

Rob Clegg robclegg at baulchgroup.co.uk
Fri Apr 25 11:51:01 UTC 2003

I suppose it's about time to say hello as I've been lurking around these parts now for some time. It's not that I enjoy my full time lurking status it's just that my knowlege of computers never mind linux is in a state of infancy and most of whats said is quite simply over my head.
On that note I wondered if anyone could tell me (or point me towards some reading) what 'non-US' means, I went to download tripwire today and noticed it was 'non-US' yet you could download it from North America, and does it have anything to do with not being able to apt-get install tripwire?
Hope you all enjoyed the meet, I supposed knowone noticed me in the shadows.....

Rob Clegg

"work to live, don't live to work" --me I think.

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