[Sussex] Newbie to the list

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at krasnegar.demon.co.uk
Fri Aug 1 20:17:01 UTC 2003

Hi Matt

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 11:26:22PM +0100, Matt Taylor wrote:
Content-Description: signed data
> I've been lurking on this list for a couple of weeks now and I thought I'd 
> better introduce myself. I've been using linux for a few years now and am 
> technical manager for a small internet/web company up in london bridge 
> (trying to get linux into every nook and cranny that I can!). 

That's a good plan and I hope that it works for you.

> After a long journey through the distros I settled on Gentoo last year. I 
> started using linux in my first year at uni in manchester. A coursemate of 
> mine helped me installed Redhat v5.something over ftp from their sunsite 
> mirror. I still remember booting into linux for the first time after the 
> install (my expert friend having gone home by this point) and being presented 
> with the command prompt and not having the faintest idea what to do next! It 
> was only later over the phone that he told me to startx.

Arhhh that first install - how many machines ago was that now.....
damn I've run out of toes.... :-)

> I haven't looked back since. The list of distros I've tried are in the rough 
> order of (with several jumps between):
> Redhat
> Suse
> Mandrake
> Debian
> Slackware
> Crux/Rock
> (brief flirtation with FreeBSD, but that doesn't count)
> Gentoo

I've only run three:
Slackware - back it it's early days
RedHat - very short 8 weeks at most
Debian - been with it since '87 and will not change.

> We now use Gentoo for almost everything at work, from the lowly print server 
> up to web and database/transaction servers for the ecommerce sites we build 
> and host.

Whatever rocks your boat.  I would never have though of Gentoo in a production
environment, but if it works for you then go for it.

> Anyway, the fact that this lug had been resurrected had completely passed me 
> by. Great to see it's so active and I should very much like to join you guys 
> in the Kings Head tomorrow night. I could have sworn I was the only linux 
> user in Horsham! Obviously that's not the case. I'm looking forward to 
> talking to some likeminded folks and not having to explain what linux is 
> every time :)

Where you one of the previous group?  I don't know - I was very, very luckly.
The first time I checked out the website I posted to the list maintainer and
got nothing.  About two months later I checked again and Gareth had posted that
the group was re-forming and was meeting for the first time that day - so I 
went.  Haven't missed a LUGMoot since (not including the Xmas party :-()

Anyway welcome to the list and see you later.

What time are you thinking of turning up?  I can get there early (most moots).


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