[Sussex] Openworld goes pingless ....

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Sun Aug 24 19:06:00 UTC 2003

> Last week was a bad week for my DSL connection.  It went slow, it went
> completely .... then ping stopped working.
> Why is this important?  Well, because of the previous unreliability of
> BT  Openworld I'd written a script for my (Linux) server that uses ping
> to see  that the Internet is reachable and, if it isn't, cycles the
> power supply to  the ADSL router - which often restores service.

Welcome to BT OpenWoe.

I have found a piece of C code that may help, by performing a TCP ping
instead of IMCP, you can simply ping their web servers into oblivion!


Or UDP ping:



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