[Sussex] Debian install ?

Steve Dobson steve.dobson at krasnegar.demon.co.uk
Sat Aug 30 07:30:00 UTC 2003

Hi John

I'm back so soon - should read all my mail before replying :-)`

On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 09:36:44PM +0100, John D. wrote:
> So,
> As it stands, I seem to have managed to install the debian woody base system.
> I can't get X installed, as it would appear that woody doesn't have drivers 
> for my nvidia GeForce 4 MX420 graphics card.
> I get the message 
> (EE) No devices detected

Have you got "lspci" installed?  (type "which lspci" as root to findout).
If not do an "apt-get update" (if you havn't done one today) and them
"apt-get install pciutils"  That will install the command.
Then do a lspci and post the output please.
Without facts, the decision cannot be made logically.  You must rely on
your human intuition.
		-- Spock, "Assignment: Earth", stardate unknown
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