[Sussex] I ****LOVE***** london victoria train station :D

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Wed Dec 3 18:03:21 UTC 2003


I'm typing this from the food court place in Victoria Place above the
station (i'm sitting next to singapore sam and spudulike).... they have a
wifi access point! :D

Only 512k ADSL on BTOpenWound, but it works, and the range isn't bad :)

If there's anyone else about in this area, feel free to pop up and say hi,
i'm the fat ugly freak sitting in the middle of a food court with KFC
boxes around him, and using a laptop...... :)

Jon Fautley           >o)     .^.     (o<   jon at geekpeople.net
+44 (0) 1403 24 1337  //\     /V\     //\   http://www.geekpeople.net/
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           kill -9 'em all, and let root sort them out

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