[Sussex] Installing Gentoo - more questions

Geoff Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Sat Dec 13 21:25:53 UTC 2003


Firstly, I suggest going on-line and reading this:


.. it's kind of a supplementary guide for getting a desktop system up
and running post a base Gentoo install.

Specifically though

> No, I have a generic Geforce 4 m420

Nothing "generic" about it, you'll need the proprietary nvidia drivers. 
Sounds like you have already emerged the nvidia-kernel patch, I'd also
advise emerging the nvidia-glx package.

> the main problem being that I then get the error about having to include an 
> "FStype", so I've tried the obvious, using the -t arguement from last week 
> and used "mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom" and if I check there 
> doesn't seem to be a mount point of /mnt/cdrom.
> How would I make one?

Simply, as root do the following:

mkdir /mnt/cdrom

 .. a mount point can be a directory anywhere on your system.  Once you
have this your mount command (including the -t ) should work correctly.

> Also, if I just try "startx" I just get an error, that looks like it's not 
> seeing my graphics card, so I have done an "emerge -k nvidia-kernel" though 
> I'm not convinced that that's all I have to do ?

Follow the document I mentioned at the beginning - you need to configure
X, distros like Red Hat and SuSE do this for you, Debian helps you make
choices, Gentoo expects you to sort it out for yourself.  This is one of
the main reasons that building a Gentoo machine will teach you a lot
about how a Linux system hangs together.

Geoff Teale 
tealeg at member.fsf.org 
Free Software Foundation. 

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