[Sussex] IRC Channel

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Thu Dec 18 22:54:18 UTC 2003

Guys and Gals,

Just a quick note to let you all know that the SussexLUG channel is no
longer on QuakeNet. To connect, please connect to the following server:


and join the channel #SussexLUG

For some simple IRC clients, try:

X-Chat (linux/bsd/Win32): http://www.xchat.org/ - Graphical
irssi (linux/bsd): not sure of homepage, apt-get install irssi - text
BitchX (linux/bsd): again, unsure, apt-get install bitchx - text
mIRC (win32): http://www.mirc.com/ - Graphical, obviously.

I'm on there as Filbert.

Any questions on connecting/etc, just ask!

Also, the channels #linux (quite peverse/offensive chat at times) and
#nixhelp (just for *nix support) are open and active on this network.

Jon Fautley           >o)     .^.     (o<   jon at geekpeople.net
+44 (0) 1403 24 1337  //\     /V\     //\   http://www.geekpeople.net/
Mail for PGP Key     _\_V   /(   )\   V_/_  +44 (0) 7984 714410
           kill -9 'em all, and let root sort them out

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