[Sussex] NOW: So, who are the all-time greats? WAS Hello all

Bill Wood bill.wood at virgin.net
Tue Feb 11 23:53:01 UTC 2003

What about Steve Bourne - the original Shell - or  Korn  - the improved 
shell ?

Bill Wood

Mark Harrison wrote:

>Much as it's always fun to spar with Nik, I was wondering who the "all-time
>greats" actually are. I would suggest, for you, the following.
>Given that I'm "a bit older" than many on the list, it would be interesting
>to see how many names the younger SLUGgers (SLUGgettes?) recognise my list.
>And to see what alternative names are generated.
>The criteria are:
>- Most long-term influence on the course of IT
>- Open publication of what they discovered / invented
>My top bunch, in roughly chronological order are as follows.
>- Alan Turing
>- Joseph Van Neumman
>- Dennis Ritchie
>- Ken Thompson
>- Don Knuth
>- Tony Hoare
>- Edsger Dijkstra
>- Mitch Kapor
>- John Perry Barlow
>- Richard Stallman
>- Linus Torvalds
>- Larry Lessig
>On the basis of Open Publication, I have eliminated Gordon Moore, Bill
>Gates, Scott McNeally, Andy Grove, Paul Allen and Steve Jobs.
>Comments / alternatives / explanations sought about who the older ones
>Sussex mailing list
>Sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk

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