[Sussex] Detect ethernet card - newbie question

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Mon Feb 24 21:11:03 UTC 2003

>> Many thanks. It's Suse 8.1, Realtek 8239 and it worked ok
>> under Windows. I
>> am wondering if the problem might lie a bit deeper; this box
>> has a cheap
>> Elite motherboard with a built-in lan adaptor. Linux didn't
>> detect that,
>> either. Just to be on the safe side, I've disabled the
>> built-in jobbie.
> Hmmm, well this card is definitely supported  - I believe you need to
> use the 8139too driver under a 2.4 series kernel (guys, am I right
> here?).

The 8139too driver is flawed. You can download a driver from here, along
with a guide about the differences between this and the 8139too driver:


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