[Sussex] Network problem

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Tue Feb 25 09:50:01 UTC 2003


Your CDR/CDRW point was exactly the point I was making - Belkin aren't
making any special effort, they are badging things with no software
dependancy as "LINUX compatable" - that said though, this _is_ important to
your average PC World shopper who doesn't know any better, products on
shelved that say "LINUX compatible" reinforce the notion that LINUX is a
valid option.  

One of the most common arguments  I hear is, "Linux may be great, but you
can't get any software for it".  That view point is one conditioned by the
realities of the proprietary software world - people think of sotware as
something that comes in boxes.

Lycoris have cottoned onto this fact - they've released a "Producivity Pak"
for their Desktop LX distribution.  Effectively the "productivity pak" is a
customised version of OpenOffice.org - Lycoris put it on the shelf
seperately and charge you seperately for this.  Early reults from the US
suggest that this works - people will pick up Lycoris Desktop LX and
"Producitivity Pak" in preference to distro's that bundle OpenOffice.org.

I seriously don't think people realise that when they pick up a major Linux
distro (Suse, Red Hat, Mandrake..) they are actually acquiring 1000's of
applications.  People still think of things in the model of the world that
Microsoft has defined.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org

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