[Sussex] Network problem

Iain Stevenson iain at iainstevenson.com
Wed Feb 26 10:11:02 UTC 2003

--On Wednesday, February 26, 2003 9:42 am +0000 Geoff Teale 
<Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk> wrote:

> Yes, but the GUI layer is completely different to anyone elses and
> completely proprietary.  To paraphrase Frank Zappa - that OS isn't free as
> it applies to you and me.

VNC works fine on MacOS 9 and earlier - it's just those who've bought Steve 
Jobs incubus that have the problem.  Now that MacOS X supports Xwindows the 
issues may be about to disappear ....

However, coming at the problem from the other direction, some of the rpms 
and source tarballs for VNC on Linux PPC are dodgy.      VNC doesn't rank 
alongside Cyrus IMAP or Apache (with SSL, PHP, IMAP, Perl) as a pain to 
install but it comes close.


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