[Sussex] An odd question....

Adam Smith adamjsmith at clara.co.uk
Mon Jan 6 10:42:01 UTC 2003

> Adam, could you come in and meet, chat with us as well, were currently
> not "recruiting" but my gawds a face to face works wonders on convincing
> the board some days.
> Just my 2p Nik

Thanks for you 2p!  Coming in and meeting shouldn't be too much of a
problem.  I presume some sort of appointment would be useful, could you tell
me what I would need to do to arrange this?  I won't get my hopes up, but
I'm willing to give it a try.


Ps. thanks everyone else for your comments, they have all been read and
taken on board.  It's nice to have a window into the mystical world of
corporate IT ;).

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