[Sussex] An odd question....

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Mon Jan 6 10:53:00 UTC 2003

Jon wrote:
> This is true. It does depend on what you want to do. If you want a
> 'managery' job then you need to impress the managers, if you want a
> technical job, you need to impress the techies. Show me an IT 
> tech that's
> impressed by a degree ;)

Hmmm... it depends on the degree.  If you sent me a CV that said you
graduated with a good grade in Computer Science from Cambridge, Oxford,
Brunel, Imperial, MIT, SAIL, CMU, Washington State or the like, then I'd
have a fair idea of where you stood as a programmer -  a much better idea in
fact than if you turned up with four years experience in $A_LARGE_COMPANY.
If you turned up with a degree from Brighton Polytechnic (or whatever it
calls itself this week) then frankly you might as well have gone and got an
MCSD for all I care - it tells me nothing, you could be brilliant, you could
be crap, however, if the guy next to you has all the same experience but
doesn't have that degree and you both interview well then the guy with the
degree gets the benefit of the doubt.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org
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