[Sussex] An odd question....

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Mon Jan 6 11:01:03 UTC 2003

Nik wrote:
> > Show me a interviewer that is purely a IT techie???
> /me sticks his hand up and says MOI!
> Ive done lots of interviews and generlly picked people based on what
> they did with their spare time and what they contributed tothe
> community.

Firstly.  Nik, you are an exception in terms of you approach to employment.
Your attitude towards the community is very noble and is certainly inkeeping
with your approach to your business, but it is, as I say, exceptional in the
current business environment..

I have in my time been a purely techie interviewer as well and I would say
that a persons technical ability was always my highest concern, but
ultimately it is very hard to judge a person by an interview.  The majority
of people I employed did not make what I considered to be a "passing" grade
in exam I set them, however, I was pressured by HR to "employ somebody" and
so I settled for the best that was available rather than the right person
for the job in most cases.  This is the result of employing from an
overstretched pool of employees where most simply don't make the grade but
can still get work because there are so many positions available.
Ultimately you try and pick the best of a bad bunch, some of them turn out
to be really good, skilled workers others turn out to be a waste of space -
no amount of qualifications or experience can tell you this upfront, but
they are all you have to go on and thus they are important in terms of
getting a job.  

Now I'm not in a position to recruit, which means it's nolonger my problem,
which is nice... ;)

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org
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