[Sussex] An odd question....

Macdonald-Wallace, Matthew J s0209208 at glos.ac.uk
Mon Jan 6 13:47:00 UTC 2003

I left 6th form after my A's and became a Microsoft Certified Professional
(I know, I know, but it got me a job ok? :op ) anyway, to cut a long story
short, I went to one interview after I was made redundant where they told me
that I was over-qualified for the helpdesk work I was going for, and they
were worried that I would get bored and leave.
Basically, I'd agree that the best thing to do is get out there and get some
experience.  I've since left IT altogether and I'm doing a degree after
taking 2 years out.  I want to become a nurse/paramedic and I'm applying to
be an auxilary nurse at my local hospital so that I have some experience
when I apply to do my second degree (the one in nursing...).
If I make it to management level in the course of my career, I am determined
that I will take experience on equal terms, if not slightly better terms,
over qualifications, as it tends to demonstrate that people know what they
are doing and know how to apply what they have learnt...
Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Smith [mailto:adamjsmith at clara.co.uk]
Sent: 06 January 2003 09:49
To: sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: [Sussex] An odd question....

Hi.  You guys seem like the right sort of people to ask about this, and I
know I'm not going to get my head bitten off for asking here, so I have a
little query for you.
I'm currently at Park College, Eastbourne doing AS levels, planning to go
onto university, as this is the normal path to take to get a good career.
However, I'm hearing a lot of stories about graduates having serious
problems finding work, even after spending ~6 years of their life and
thousands of pounds getting a degree.

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