[Sussex] Sony at the CES, etc..

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Jan 22 10:36:01 UTC 2003

Mark H wrote:
> It's actually the next big battle for consumer dollars...
> In the red corner, Sony with Playstation 2.
> In the blue corner, Microsoft with XBox.

Absolutely.  Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't think Sony are doing this
for anyones benefit but their own (just the same as IBM ,HP/Compaq and all
the rest), I just think it's an interesting  development and a heavy-weight
validation of LINUX in the consumer environment.

If certain aspects of what we do are attractive to larg corporations we can
guide their actions in support of our goals.  As Dar Williams puts it - "We
can play the greed right into our hands"

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org

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think they're as good as the Rutles!"
 - Douglas Adams

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