[Sussex] Further to Kings Head ....

Nik Butler nik at wired4life.org
Fri Jan 24 13:10:04 UTC 2003

okay Ive got lots of volunteers heres how id like to proceed.

Id like to take at least 2 preferably 4 ouf us down.

Id like to configure two basestations ( can anyone lend me some base
stations for testing ) and two laptops in order to carry out the site

At the end of the process I expect to be able to provide Andrew with a
clear understanding of what is and is not possible for his environment.

If he is still keen i'll provide him a quote detailing what he requires
and what we expect to do in order to enable wireless access.

its likely that he will wont some level of support and assistance in the
ongoing operation and I am hoping that I will be able to assist in that.

So I have 1 base station i can use ( Apple Airport ) and in turn
id rather use a linksys or dlink for validation.

So thats it ... who can make it on Wednesday afternoon ?

nik at wired4life.org	http://www.wired4life.org/	Wired4Life, an Answer.

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