[Sussex] Mem usage

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Jan 27 21:56:01 UTC 2003

On 27 January 2003 at 15:17 Dominic Clay wrote: 
> I am trying to undestand what I am seeing when I run a top command....
> I was hoping someone might have a thought they could share on 
> this subject :)

> There are numerous identical processes shown (actually I have 
> about 12 of these).  I am expecting to have numerous processes, that's 
> not a problem, but they are showing a Mem usage which, if cumulative
> would suggest much more than 100% memory usage.
> Is this right (suggesting this includes swap?) or am I 
> reading this wrong?

Please see my earlier posting, the PID you see must be from the kernel
thread structure not the proc_t - to use a phrase "read the source Luke".


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