[Sussex] surrey lug meeting

davidfalk at btinternet.com davidfalk at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 27 23:42:00 UTC 2003

Sorry if this is of no use, just thought we'd post this here to see if any sussex lug ppl would be interested. ( i'm not reg'd on this list, so if questions either goto the surrey.lug.org.uk website or email me directly (tho i'll prolly sign up after this))

this saturday (1st of feb, 5 days away) surrey lug will be having a training day (more info on the website) in the upstairs room of the whitehouse pub ( http://surrey.lug.org.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index&myfaq=yes&id_cat=4&categories=Meetings&parent_id=1 ) (sorry if the url is wrapped) in guildford (pub is literally 2 minutes walk from guildford train station) were a Mr ian will be giving a talk on clustering, the room has been booked for 1pm to 5pm and the bar in the room will (allegedly) be open.

This room has also been booked for the next wednesday meet, which will be on the 19th of feburary (third wednesday of the month, 23 days away) and again the bar in the room will be open (allegedly)
were hopeing someone will come up with a use to jutify getting the room :)

As always donations are welcome helping fund aquireing the room, there may even be distro cd's/other stuff on sale to help fund as well.


     ( davidfalk at btinternet.com )

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