[Sussex] Which distro?

nik at wired4life.org nik at wired4life.org
Fri Jul 4 09:55:01 UTC 2003

On Fri, Jul 04, 2003 at 09:43:15AM +0100, AG wrote:
> HI,
> I need to install Linux on an old Dell PowerEdge 2200 that's got only 64Mb
> of RAM and a wierd gfx card. I'd like to do a non-X/KDE install, so I've
> got shell only, but I'd also like to have webmin and several other current
> bits that make life easier.
well 3aIT ( http://www.3ait.co.uk ) resells DELL hardware almost
fantically now. Which means that we ship Dell boxes with Debian
installed and LOVE it!

nik at wired4life.org	http://www.wired4life.org/	Wired4Life, an Answer.

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