[Sussex] Most insanely useful software every written

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Jul 28 16:27:01 UTC 2003

On 28 July 2003 at 15:59 nik at wired4life.org wrote:
> it was once commented to me that I must use ls about 99% of the time..
> this comment made by a PHB of little brain. fact is ls, and all its
> switches is by far the most useful tool. I mguessing after ls comes vi
> and after vi as apps go traceroute, over ping, as traceroute actually
> tells me more abuot how I got to my destination than the fact I got
> their. Ping is not always instructive either, after all pin 
> gmight say a address is unavailble but traceroute shows me why. 

I have to agree that "ls" is the most used command in my command set.
I don't do enough network tracing to put "ping" or "traceroute" next.  I
would put "less".  But that I you said is boring - but I do get Nik's
> As for Vi, well actually vim,

No "vi" - vim does strange things at times - like colour.

I use it a lot too.
I voted for "od" because you the subject line said "insanely".  When I'm
pulling my hair out because I keep getting "bad file" or the like "od"
will tell me exactly what is in the file.

But now I see where you're coming from I wish to change my vote.  I don't
use this program every day - or maybe I do in a way - I'll let you 
decide.  I change my vote to "cron" - I'd go insane just trying to admin
a system without it.


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