[Sussex] Good news.

Trevor Marshall trevorm at rusham.demon.co.uk
Mon Mar 10 20:36:02 UTC 2003

On Monday 10 Mar 2003 14:00, Geoff Teale wrote:
> If that wasn't enough to put a smile on my face I also now have my greasy
> paws on a copy of Ani DiFranco's new album `Evolve` - if you actually
> _like_ music ("Music" can of course can be defined as that stuff that
> doesn't get played on the radio) I'd thoroughly recommend this (or any
> other) of her albums.

Aaarrrgh! .asx files! Only B****y downloads for Windows Media Player...  so 
how am I supposed to find out how good the music really is?  What's wrong 
with Ogg? or even MP3?

> Ani is pretty much the one-woman, musical equivalent of the Debian project.
> She runs her own record company (http://www.righteousbabe.com) which gives
> her artistic freedom almost no-one else enjoys, and as such her albums
> replace the normal copyright notice with:
> "Unauthorised duplication, while sometimes necessary, is never as good as
> the real thing"
> ... which I think pretty much sums up her attitude.

Now we just need to convert her website (currently IIS on W2K according to 
netcraft) to a better system, and replace the .asx files, then her software 
can be as free as her artistic principles :)

Even further off topic - swa Richard Thompson at the Dome in Brighton last 
night - excellent show!

Trevor Marshall

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