[Sussex] Good news.

Geoffrey Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Tue Mar 11 06:57:02 UTC 2003

On Monday 10 March 2003 8:34 pm, Trevor Marshall wrote:
> Aaarrrgh! .asx files! Only B****y downloads for Windows Media Player...  so
> how am I supposed to find out how good the music really is?  What's wrong
> with Ogg? or even MP3?

Go here:


..and you can listen to her talk and perform on Democracy Now as a real-player 
stream or a (very large) MP3 file (http://www.democracynow.org for more 

> Now we just need to convert her website (currently IIS on W2K according to
> netcraft) to a better system, and replace the .asx files, then her software
> can be as free as her artistic principles :)

A fine thought.  I don't  now if Ani even knows about Free Software - she 
doesn't get involved with computers - she's certainly no fan of Microsoft 
though, or big business in general.  All the web stuff is done for her, maybe 
a little e-mail on the subject would help.

> Even further off topic - swa Richard Thompson at the Dome in Brighton last
> night - excellent show!

Ah, now there's  a man who can write and play.. hope you had a good time!

tealeg at member.fsf.org
Free Software Foundation

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