[Sussex] Amiga

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Thu Mar 13 14:55:02 UTC 2003


On 13 March 2003 at 13:41 Andrew Guard wrote:
> Just thought some of you might be interested in this Amiga e-mail.
> For those who don't know Eyetech is main player in Amiga 
> hardware today.

Thanks for this.  Believe it or not I dusted of my Amiga Monday night
and ran it up for the first time in (at least) 5 years.  I couldn't
believe it!  The hard disk (Seagate SCSI - 45 Mbytes [Yes Megabytes])
still booted.  Given the number of IDE disks have crashed since then
I was amazed.

Maybe I can get some upgrades for my old Amiga 2k and get it running
Debian?  Got to be worth a go just for the "Geek Factor".


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