[Sussex] Improving on UNIX

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Fri Mar 14 09:18:01 UTC 2003


On 14 March 2003 at 09:08 Andrew Guard wrote:
<snip Geoff's posting> 
> The first thing you have to understand about BeOS file system 
> is that it's not an file system but an data base.  There are some
> massive advantages and it is why Microsoft is doing a lot R&D work
> in this area so expect lot patents on this issue very soon.  The
> are some serious problems as well but user doesn't know about them
> unless understand the issues involved.

That'll be an interesting one to watch.  IBM have already done this
with the AS400 - and I'm sure other system, but I've only seen it
on the AS400.  If Microsoft get patents for stuff that IBM I wonder
what that will do for Software Patents in the US.  IBM is still
the biggest IT company in the world and have always been.  This
will be a battle to watch.


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