[Sussex] Linux on iPAQ (was: Hello!)
Geoff Teale
Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Tue Mar 25 15:30:01 UTC 2003
STeve wrote:
> > > 2). Which GUI version do you want?
> > I get GUI too? ;)
> Oh yes, and one that works well on such a small platform.
Yeah.. Opie is using Trolltech Qtopia, as used on the Sharp Zaurus... very
much designed to be a commericial quality PDA environment.
Good things about it:
* It works and works well
* It has reasonable levels of community support (thanks to the Zaurus)
* It has a lot in common with Qt and can be developed for easily on Linux,
OS X or Windows.
.. if your familiar with Qt3 then Qtopia development is a breeze. If you
want to learn more about Qt development then I'm happy to lend the more
trustworthy LUG members my O'Reilly "Developing with Qt3" book, otherwise
the tutorial bundled with the toolkit are a good place to start.
geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org
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course, in a state of sin.
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