[Sussex] Smoothwall

Neil Ford neil at smudgypixels.net
Sat Mar 29 09:25:00 UTC 2003

On Friday, March 28, 2003, at 09:25  pm, Ciaran Hamilton wrote:

> Hi,
>>> Hi
>>> I thought I ask some opions on smoothwall, I am looking at using it
> to
>>> replace are firewalls but so far i have found several holes. Does
> any
>>> one have any ideas?
>> Use IPCop (http://www.ipcop.org) instead. Latest release (1.2) has
> some
>> nice new features.
> I've tried both Smoothwall and IPCop, and I have to say I was
> unimpressed by either. In fact, I wrote about my experiences in two
> entries in my blog:
> http://theblob.org/journal/1039536361.html
> http://theblob.org/journal/1039793393.html
> Let me know what you think.
Installing either product on a VMWare session is not an accurate test 
of either product.

All I can say is I have clients with IPCop installed that are happily 
using port forwarding, heck I even have it working myself to handle 
Demon's SMTP mail delivery. Never had any problems with that or 
applying updates.

As to why I don't use Smoothwall... well it's all to do with 
personalities :-)


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