[Sussex] html and stuff

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Thu May 8 13:11:01 UTC 2003

Hi Scoot

On 08 May 2003 at 12:28 Scoot wrote:
> I thought all was fine 'till I tried accessing the site with
> my Linux setup and saw bugger all, but I've told the owner it
> doesn't display, at least on my Linux system and he said, "What
> system ya freak?  It's alright on Windows thought, yea?" and he
> likes it.
> Obviously this is of no real help in learning to design a site
> properly, but for us was a cheap and effective alternative.

There is more to designing a website than just getting it to look
good for one type of user.  What if I told you and your friend that
it can't be viewed by lynx[1] (I haven't tried cos I don't have lynx
available to me)?  So what you might thing, but lynx, being a text
only browser, just works on plan html - but like a brail browser.

Again you may think that the blind are not an audience that your site
needs to cater for; but there you are wrong.  There is a EU law, or
is about to be [and also similar in the US], that requires that sites
be accessible to the disabled.

Don't laugh this off.  In France a private school set up a web site.
As the school required all it's pupils to speak English so they didn't
think it was worth it work to provide a French content as well as 
English.  Now France has a law that require French all websites to
provide French content, this school was one of the first to be
prosecuted under it.

So now do you care about non-IE browsers?

> Hope I haven't completely wasted your time,

No post is a waste of time.  There is always something to learn
for every post.


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