[Sussex] html and stuff

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Thu May 8 14:20:02 UTC 2003


On 08 May 2003 at 14:03 wrote: 
> In truth of the matter, what could the French government actually do
> If your site isn't in the native language required by law. Is this 
> for personal sites commercial or what. 

The law was a fine on the owner of the site, in this case the school.

> On one note illegal music on the internet has been stopped what make
> them think they can prevent this.

This is not the same thing.  Illegal music on sites around the world.
The French Government went after a French School with a non-French 
website on French soil.  That is much, much easier to do.

> Normally what it comes down to is if a site is coded correctly it 
> will work on both Linux and windows, but if you have errors in the 
> html it may still look ok in IE but Linux browsers tend to not like 
> bad code.

That all depends.  It all depends upon the browser.  The same version
of lynx (or Mozilla) compiled for both platforms will now work
differently.  The big difference between browsers is not the platform
on which they run but their HTML render engines.


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