[Sussex] html and stuff

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Thu May 8 14:22:02 UTC 2003

> In truth of the matter, what could the French government actually do
> If your site isn't in the native language required by law. Is this 
> for personal sites commercial or what. 

Gareth, this a little like saying "What can the British government do if I
rob a bank or two?".

The obvious answer is arrest you, charge you with a criminal offence and
then fine you, imprison you, force you to clean up ponds and woodland, or
(in some countries) whip you, beat you, poke your eyes out, cut your hands
off, behead you or shoot you.  Pre 2002 those last six acts could have been
wrought upon you simply for having a web site under the rule of the Talliban
in Afghanistan.  This was one of several points put to George W. Bush in
August of 2001 along with the question "should you, as the leader of the
most powerful nation on earth, be doing something about this?".  Old Dubya's
reply was simply "We salute our friends in Afghanistan for their strong
stance on the drugs problem".  What a difference a few weeks can make....

> On one note illegal music on the internet has been stopped what make
> them 
> think they can prevent this.

In terms of most illegal uses of the internet the polices problem is in
locating the offendors and doing so on mass, in most cases it is the _mass_
and not the locating that causes the problems.  Police resources (are
reasonably enough) more focussed on catching paedophiles than music and
software bootleggers - just ask Pete Townsend.   Moreover despite what the
copyright holders would like you to believe copyright breeches are not (in
most countries) a criminal offence but a breech of the license issued with
the material (and thus a breech of contract - a civil matter).  It is where
mass duplication and attempts to "pass off" copied material as an original
occur that we start to deal with criminal offences.

> Normally what it comes down to is if a site is coded correctly it 
> will work on both Linux and windows, but if you have errors in the 
> html it may still look ok in IE but Linux browsers tend to not like 
> bad code.

BTW scoot.  Your .swf file _should_ work in Mozilla, Konqueror or Phoenix
(and anything based on them) you just need to install the plugin!

Free Software, Free Society. 
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