[Sussex] MS Exchange replacements?

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Tue Nov 11 12:12:45 UTC 2003

> Is anyone working with any of the Exchange replacements? (Bynari etc).

I am replacing Exchange Servers with standard components with reasonable
success.  I don't yet have all the functionality that will be needed - it
would depend on which parts your users must have now.

There is a write-up on my web page - see sig.

There is also someone else on the list that is replacing Exchange Servers,
who may want to share his experience.

> I keep being asked to replace Exchange's functionality (when in fact 90%
> of
> users don't bother) so I've got to give it a shot. Any other suggestions
> much appreciated!
> Tks
> Niall


Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

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