[Sussex] December's LUGMoot

Steve Dobson steve at krasnegar.demon.co.uk
Wed Oct 15 21:24:56 UTC 2003


On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 10:26:36PM +0100, Mark Harrison wrote:
> It seems that the last thursday in December is Christmas day.

This be true.

> I suggest that we have three alternatives:

Only three!?!?!  Must try harder :-)
> 1: Don't have a December moot, since it's a busy month socially for everyone

But I'm a sad Muppet - the Lug is my social life.

> 2: Arrange an alternative night.

For Christmas or the Moot?  Give the current state of the various
Christian churches at the moment of the Gay bishop issue I don't 
think we can have Christmas moved from Mid-Winter Feast to Christ's

> 3: Break into 3aIT's office, have roast Fautley in Madeira sauc

Remember that a Fautley is not just for Christmas.  With luck it
can last until New Years.

> One of these options was a joke... December isn't THAT busy socially :-)

Any if we abandon the Moot even less for me.

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