[Sussex] w00t!!! :D

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Mon Oct 27 11:45:08 UTC 2003

Sorry, normally wouldn't sink to H4x0rz l33t c0d3, but I've got my 2.6
kernel working!

I'm not sure how, but I'm not complaining!  Now to get my wireless
access up and running (the main reason for me upgrading to the 2.6

I'm pretty sure that I didn't have the right pointers in my lilo.conf
(pointing to an image that didn't exist, 2.6-test4 as opposed to
2.6-test8) as well as not compiling the modules (doh!).

I'm aware the 2.6-test9 is out, but I think I'll leave it for a bit...

|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace         |
|The Truth Will Set you Free       |
|http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/ |
BOFH Excuse #136: Daemons loose in system.

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