[Sussex] broadband

Gareth Ablett Gareth.Ablett at itpserve.co.uk
Mon Sep 8 09:48:00 UTC 2003

I'm just about to get ADSL aswell and am going to go for the plus.net home 
business package, not cos im a business but you get a better service if 
they think you are.


but out of the companies the recommended are zen although a little 
expensive compared to the rest and nildram is ment to be pretty good.
And plus.net was just bellow that so I can be far off.

Gareth Ablett
Systems Developer

ITP Services Ltd.

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Chappell [mailto:s.chappell at isnsuk.com]
> Sent: 07 September 2003 9:53 pm
> To: sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
> Subject: RE:[Sussex] broadband
> Hi  Angelo and the group,
>     Just wanted to add that I have been using Pipex for adsl service,
> been rock solid since we got it.
> We are only a small company but we have 4 lines in the company and they
> have been excellent since day one.
> for residential it is free install and £19 per month for the 512
> service, 12 mailboxes webspace yada yada yada.
> http://www.xtreme.pipex.net/adsl/sales/
> Or you can go for the solo2go which is £17 install charge and you get a
> alcatel modem(great with IPCop).
> Cheers all
> Simon
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