[Sussex] one for the contractors...

pablo at wildfireprojects.com pablo at wildfireprojects.com
Thu Sep 18 10:36:00 UTC 2003

gteale at cmedltd.com wrote:
> "Yes" men last until their project inevitably misses the deadline, some
> companies will let a PM go through three or four failed deadlines before
> really getting at them.  By this point the PM has either become
> tarnished enough to stop saying yes, or she/he will turn into a
> slave-master and start whipping on the developers to work longer hours
> (which as we all now, works fine in one off, short bursts, but
> ultimately result in tired, ineffective developers).

That's if their postive 'can do' attitute hasn't impressed sufficiently for them to be  moved on to a new project, leaving some poor other sod to carry the can for their mistakes. My experience is that a large number of incompentant PMs seem to be teflon coated and go from strength to strength in an organisation leaving a trail of crap behind, none of which seems to stick to them. B*****ds.


I used to be bitter and twisted when I was a permie, now I'm a contractor I'm just cynical and detached.

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