[Sussex] sound probs

Dominic Clay dominic.clay at btopenworld.com
Wed Apr 21 17:25:50 UTC 2004

Hi all,

I have another PC at home atm and in the name of variety, I have put Debian
running 2.4.25 on it.  All is fine but in Gnome there is no sound.  I just get
the message "couldn't open mixer device '/dev/sound/mixer'"

Sure enough there is no such file, although there is a /dev/mixer !

If I run sndconfig it tells me I have a Creative Labs SB!Live EMU10k1 which I
think is correct and then tells me it is not currently supported.  When I had
this same card in a Gentoo machine it just worked out of the box. (A triumph for
Gentoo or just luck?)

If I run:
~# grep MIXER /boot/config-`uname -r`

I have attached my dmesg listing for anyone who can make snse of it?
This sound stuff is a bit of a dark arcane mystery...  I'm a little unnerved by
it all :S

Anyone any thoughts I can try?


I get:

Kind Regards,


Dominic Clay
Tel: 0208 402 0888
Mob: 07969 298 545
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