[Sussex] PHP job in E.Grinstead

Tony Austin tony at gigaday.com
Sat Aug 14 13:18:14 UTC 2004

> Chaps,
> I stumbled across this just now.. it's a couple of weeks old, but any
> PHP coders looking for a job might want to check this out:
> http://www.totaljobs.com/jobseekers/details_new.asp?JobID=12027726&Search=Quick&RankByTitle=1&Keywords=East+AND+Grinstead&RecordCount=74&Sort=2&optAndOr=1&PageNo=1&JobNo=18&Jobs=9005394%2C8909648%2C9005198%2C9005400%2C9005192%2C9218323%2C9218315%2C11957382%2C9005438%2C9126962%2C9005423%2C9041362%2C9005161%2C9005428%2C9005417%2C9126920%2C11906675%2C12027726%2C9218310%2C9005174
> .. pays not great, but there you go..

True!  I can remember when programmers were able to name whatever salary
they chose and move every year for more.  Those were the days ...

I suppose employers figured out that some people actually ENJOY
programming, we should have kept this quiet.

> --
> Geoff Teale


Tony Austin
Gigaday Computing Limited
tony at gigaday.com

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