[Sussex] Dedicated box

Gareth Ablett Gareth.Ablett at itpserve.co.uk
Fri Aug 27 13:09:15 UTC 2004

 From: Al Bennett [mailto:al at plasticfish.co.uk]
 Subject: [Sussex] Dedicated box
> Howdy
> Nice to see y'all last night.  Interesting venue, shame about lack of
> food...  Maybe we can do another WAP deal with the Chinese (takeaway, not
> all 14 billion of them) in exchange for free food?
> Anyway, I'm after a cheap root box.  Cheap being the thing here.  I'm fine
> with it being hosted in the Land of Cheap Bandwidth over the pond.  Spec
> isn't really critical as it'll be fairly low usage, I just need root (which
> most people would argue is very dangerous for me to have).
> I'm looking at 1&1 (USA) Root server I or II:
> http://order.1and1.com/xml/order/ServerRoot
> Anyone have any experience with them or other suggestions for CHEAP outfits?
> Ta in advance!
> Al

I've had bad experiences with 1&1 UK on a dedicated server with tones of problems on it. And the connection. And they weren't very helpful with the problem in fact they charged me for nothing.

I know someone that worked for 1&1 support and he said they where getting better so it might be worth it. Alternatively the USA branch maybe a lot better.

LOL that URL above with .co.uk in it reveals that they charge £49 per month and the US charge $49 that a huge price difference.

I don't tend to use servers in the US tbh but I do use 34sp.com in the UK for a dedicated server.

Ps. although I must sound like it now I don't complain at everything there are some very good services and hardware about.

Gareth Ablett
Systems Developer

ITP Services Ltd.

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