[Sussex] From 500K to 1M in under 6 months for nothing extra

Gareth Ablett Gareth.Ablett at itpserve.co.uk
Mon Dec 20 10:00:51 UTC 2004

 From: Geoffrey Teale [mailto:gteale at cmedltd.com]
 Subject: RE: [Sussex] From 500K to 1M in under 6 months for nothing
> On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 09:34 +0000, Gareth Ablett wrote:
> > I have a 1024/256 50:1 and often see downloads of 119Kbytes/Sec
> >
> > Technically it should get 128Kbytes/sec which it has spiked to
before if the server is local and on
> a good network, but you will always get additional network
communication slowing downloads.
> I've often seen my line getting the full rate (I'm on 1Mbit
> more often than not though it has more to do with the server your
> pulling from than anything else.  java.sun.com always seems to give me
> the full rate, as does www-106.ibm.com - however sourceforge and
> savannah.gnu.org never come close.
> What I do find is that when Sarah and I are both on line we can almost
> always get the full bandwidth.
> Maybe I'm just lucky...

I guess its partly luck but I imagine it has a lot to do with the ISP
aswell some are just crap.

For the record if Jon F is reading I'm still using eclipse and its still
working rather well and considering an upgrade to there 2048/256 ADSL,
although I'm a tad worried their going get worse after what you said
before but no sign yet.

Gareth Ablett
Systems Developer

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