[Sussex] Multiple IPs on an ADSL line

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Tue Dec 21 12:52:00 UTC 2004

On 21 Dec 2004, at 12:34, Simon Huggins wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 12:25:11PM +0000, Jon Fautley wrote:
>> Zen don't hassle you for IP requirements for anything less than a /29
>> (8 addresses). I really don't see why Eclipse ask for that
>> information, but you can basically put down anything you like there,
>> they don't seem to read them lol.
> To satisfy RIPE's requirements on them that they be able to justify the
> usage if they are audited.

Yeah, but IIRC (and I possibly don't) isn't it OK to specify it as 
'customer allocated' for a /29 and longer prefix? Wasn't aware that 
they had to specify for each individual IP. I understand that RIPE can 
be quite anal with paperwork, but surely an exact record of EVERY 
address allocated would be a PITA to manage?

Besides, I think Eclipse are the only people that ask for it...

>> If you're reckoning on only 1 IP address, I'd ask for a /30 - this
>> gives you 4 IP addresses, of which 2 are usable (without any fancy
>> routing/breaking of stuff) - that gives you a bit of room for
>> expansion in the future.
> Sounds wasteful to me if you're not actually going to use them.  I 
> don't
> see why a decent ISP wouldn't let you have a block at a later date if
> you had a reason for one.

True, however, I can see John wanting to use the extra IP address at a 
later date (probably not too much later), hence I was specifying a 
solution to fit the customer, not a 'one size fits all' solution :)

> I just have one IP and many devices and NAT and it doesn't really stop
> me doing anything I want to including getting my VoIP phone working,
> running a web server, sshing back to various machines behind the NAT 
> box
> etc...

Yeah, NAT is a great invention... but I still love my block of IP 
addresses, it's as close to a 'proper' network as I can get without 
having an ASN :(


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