[Sussex] Much hilarity involved

Andrew Guard andrew at andrewguard.com
Wed Dec 22 08:01:48 UTC 2004

> I just purchased 10 Microsoft Windows Terminal Services Licenses for a
> Customer. The MS Rep was explaining to me that he could not go lower
> than £50 per CAL , as this would be below the cost price. I did ask him
> what production costs were involved in updating a database and sending
> me an email to access a website and why its the same price in dollars as
> it is on pounds. It beggars belief that the phrase cost price is
> actually bandied about in terms of licensing software. Do you remember
> when cost price would be the value of a product material and labour
> costs to produce.

Lets say for moment it is at so called cost price.  As this proves urben
legion which is Microsoft Data Retention PFI project 10 years ago.  10
years ago Microsoft owned all it databases but as they where low on funds
to launch Windows 95 they had to sell verious assets off.  One those
assets was there database's they did this with and PFI fund rassing sceam.

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