[Sussex] RE: Licence question

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Wed Feb 11 09:54:08 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 08:17, Andrew Guard wrote:
> It must be in sealed enveloped and also it recommended to use as well
> registered post.  To get what is called an sealed envelope it good idea to
> put registered post part on the back, to show it hasn't been tapped with.
> There are other things you can do like use banks to store it but that's cost
> real money.

I've heard people mention posting stuff to themselves as a mechanism to
establish copyright.  Just so you don't attach to much faith in it I'll
clarify things. 

In the US this practise is called "Poor Man's Copyright" and has statute
associated with it - it is recognised as being a lesser protection than
true Copyright (for which you have to register in the US).  In the UK
this is simply proof that your work was created before a certain date -
it is not the be-all and end-all of a copyright dispute.  Remember, in
the UK it is not necessary to register for copyright, it is implicit to
any original work (derived works are also copyright, but it is too
complex to go into here).

This document details a few things (including why you should consider
posting your material to yourself).

gteale at cmedltd.com 


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