[Sussex] Penguins...

Geoff Teale tealeg at member.fsf.org
Sun Feb 22 01:22:44 UTC 2004

Angelo Servini wrote:

> <snip>
>Geoff, can you remind me what that bbs type of website written in
>PHP/perl is called.  The one you can download and run on a linux
>webserver & then program it with your own skins?  I think you know the
>one I mean, as you told me about it when you were working with us at
>Please, as I have been asked to set up a website for a few friends
> Cheers.

I think you're talking about the slashdot engine (available at 
http://slashcode.com ). 

There are also a number of other such engines and toolsets.  A popular 
solution is to write your own content management system in ZOPE 
(http://www.zope.org) - a poweful python based system.

As with anything linux based -  a quick search on www.freshmeat.net 
should return several other options.

Cmed Technology <gteale at cmedltd.com>
Free Software Foundation <tealeg at member.fsf.org>

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