[Sussex] Asterisk

Iain Stevenson iain at iainstevenson.com
Fri Feb 27 14:11:46 UTC 2004

I've been using Asterisk in my SOHO setup for longer than I can remember 
now.  The thing to watch with the X100P analogue card is that it won't 
handle UK caller ID so if that feature is really important asterisk may not 
be the best solution or you'll have to compromise.

I have a Grandstream Budgetone (not as nasty as implied, remember the 
price!), 2 Cisco ATA186 analogue telephone adapters (very reliable, pigs to 
set up, more echo than on a SIP phone) and  a Cisco 7960G (lots to play 
with, works very well - OK I 've crashed mine thee times developing 
applications for it, but it's expensive).

I've got FWD, IAXtel and VoIPTalk accounts running through asterisk.  I'd 
agree that Telappliant is a good supplier.


--On Friday, February 27, 2004 12:30 pm +0000 Simon Chappell 
<s.chappell at isnsuk.com> wrote:

> Hey all
> Don't know if any of you have had any experience with Asterisk..?
> (No not the little cartoon character with a fat friend from Gaul)
> We decided that as all our staff work from home we would get some sip
> phones. We plugged them in and set them up to connect to FWD and it sort
> of worked. However we needed something a littel more reliable so I
> installed my own sip server at the office. took all of 5 mins to download
> it and make:make install (Shortly afterwards I found I could have typed
> emerge asterisk) A few hours of ponsing about with config files and we
> found a site that had a setup guide for a basic setup. With a bit
> tweaking 5 minutes later we where phoning each other over IP and down
> VPNS .... Leaving Ansaphone messages and collecting them via email.. I am
> now ordering the PCI card to interface to analogue phone lines..  by the
> way the config was only 3 text files which I am happy to share if any one
> wants a kickstart. and we are using grandstream phones and also a
> software phone.
> anyway worth a mention i thought
> --
> Kind Regards
> Simon Chappell

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