[Sussex] New Gentoo user

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Tue Jan 6 16:43:29 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 16:34, David Chapman wrote:
> I,I have jumped in and joined the growing number of Gentoo users on this list.
> So Gareth. Can you update my entry on the Lug web site.
> SUSE9.0 & Gentoo 1.4

Welcome to the crowd!

> Please blame John D for the flood of questions that will be flowing this way.
> He convinced me that I could do it and to be honest my box ,quad Xeon, must 
> surely work more efficiently with a compiled from source OS.
> Tho I started with a stage3 just to get my feet wet.
> Q1   Which method would be best for the NVidia kernel drivers "emerge 
> nvidia-kernel" or the drivers from NVidia

the ebuild is fine on my box, works great...

> One thing that has bugged me ,even with SUSE is the partion table for the 
> Gentoo disk
> 	/dev/sde1   ext3      30.5MB     /boot     0 - 30
> 	/dev/sde2   reiserf   16.9GB     /            31 - 17365
> When I boot the box the CHS of the drive is 1024 64 32 all my other drives are 
> 1024 255 64 if I partion it as 1 reiserfs partion its OK (1024 255 64)
> This obviously has some thing to do with the mix of ext3 and reiserfs but is 
> it likely to kill my drive. I would cry like a M$ user if I spent god knows 
> how long compiling Gentoo only to have it vanish.

Here, I'm lost... :)

|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace                  |
|The Truth Will Set you Free              |
|http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/  |
"Ann and I will carry out this equivocal message to the world. Markets
must be open." George W. Bush March 2, 2001 From the President's speech
delivered during the swearing-in ceremony for Ann Veneman, the new
Secretary of Agriculture.

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