[Sussex] configuring xine?

David Falk davidfalk at btinternet.com
Tue Jan 20 23:31:48 UTC 2004

> bash-2.05b$ ls -l /dev/rtc
> lr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root            8 Jan 20 20:36 /dev/rtc -> misc/rtc
> bash-2.05b$ ls -l /dev/misc/rtc
> crw-r-----    1 root     root      10, 135 Jan  1  1970 /dev/misc/rtc
> bash-2.05b$

i imagine your not running xine as root, so your user won't have 
permission to read from /dev/misc/rtc, you could as root
chmod 666 /dev/misc/rtc or you could add a group e.g. "rtc" and
chmod 660 /dev/misc/rtc then chgrp rtc /dev/misc/rtc
then just add the user your using.

as your using devfs you'll need to put this in your /etc/devfsd.conf to
this set.

REGISTER	^misc/rtc	PERMISSIONS	root.rtc 0660

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